More About Handkerchiefs & Pearls

This blog was started over 18 years ago while working at a fortune 500 company in Atlanta, Ga. I was sitting at my desk and I thought about the life my Mother lived and was living at the time. You see raising (6) six children as a single mother hadn’t always been a bed of roses. However, year after year she revealed to her children how she survived and grew stronger with the obstacles that she faced. Her life consisted of being the granddaughter of Black Georgia Sharecropper, being abandoned by her Jewish father, marrying and almost dying while giving birth to her first child; being abandoned by husband; experiencing her 6year old son contracting Polio (before the vaccine became available); Leaving her Job at Fort Gordon in the 1960’s to ensure a proper babysitter was available for her babies to landing a job that would change her and her children’s lives. She then goes on to become a community activist and a voice for the less fortunate and a pillar of her community, while still experiencing life’s Handkerchiefs and Pearls. Later, her life takes other turns in her later years. She loses her oldest son on the Saturday before Easter and she then loses her baby son on Christmas morning and yet she continues to be the rock in her family even in her golden years of 80. (see article) This blog is created to show how everyone’s life goes through many changes, Good and Bad. However, we can look at it in a way of embracing the ‘Handkerchiefs and Pearls of Life!

2 thoughts on “More About Handkerchiefs & Pearls”

  1. What a charming blog title and subject you have chosen. I wish you great success, and I hope to be among the first of what I am sure will become many followers. I have just
    launched a blog MalcolmForBabies so I know how hard you are working to create this lovely tribute to your amazing Mother. Best wishes.

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