#Motivational Monday and #TeachingTuesday MATTHEWS 5:4- “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

I have been thinking of my mother a lot lately. More than usual. I thought it was because I finally started this blog. As I stated previously I started this which was supposed to start out as a book over 18 years ago. I found notes everywhere when I began to submit my first post. One note I wrote stated “perhaps it was not meant for me to write this blog/book until after my mother had transitioned. Maybe GOD wanted me to wait until the end of her life so that I would be able to tell the entire story. My mother was a motivator and a teacher in so many ways. Not just to her children but to others as well. Her story of becoming a Day Care Center Director in 1968 fascinates me every time I think about how she started. She had to leave her job on Fort Gordon Base where she worked as the Head Cashier, All I know is she was known to make the best patty melts so I was told. She told me the story of how she quit because she came home one day unannounced and found me soaking wet in my diaper and Jefferey was with the babysitter who was standing at the fence talking to our neighbor. That is when she decided she had to find employment closer to home. She ended up working at the local nursing home that was within walking distance. I don’t know if the Rambler was spooked or someone or something knew what was going on back home because she said it would get at Gate 5 many times and just shut off. Perhaps her mother who had passed 5 years before that was watching over ALL of us. My mother was working at the nursing home until she was told by a co-worker that a local boarding school called Boggs Academy a Presbyterian School was getting ready to start a Day Care Center and was looking to hire a Director. She applied and got the job. However, after she started she was told that a lady or ladies had called and informed the board not to hire my mother. From my understanding, this person revealed the fact that my mother was a single woman with 6(six) children and I am sure a lot of other things were said. It was told to my mother that in the board meeting a board member spoke up and said ” He who is without sin, cast the first stone”. There the decision was made to hire my mother. (Pictured: The front end of my Mothers Rambler Station Wagon (1965?) and the first page of “The History of B&B Day Care Center”. Also pictured are some of the first students. Pictured L-R:1st Students of B&B- (Ricky-my brothers best friend to the end of my brother’s life), Priscilla, Karen, My brother Jeff, Myself, and Joe-Joe.  Not quite sure if it was George Thornton’s Birthday (RIP)- Not pictured.  Jeffery (RIP) had a bow tie on and Karen Francis with her big bow ribbon, so it had to be something special. 2nd picture: 1st Students- Calvin, Little Miss Davis, Cousin Judith, Sharon, Karen, George, Terry(RIP)Summer Volunteer-(my brother’s leg), Ricky, and my brother Jeffery.




5 thoughts on “#Motivational Monday and #TeachingTuesday MATTHEWS 5:4- “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

  1. Jimmy C. Davis

    This is an inspiring story. It reminds all of us to never give up on our hopes and dreams, even when others disagree with the opportunities that God offers us in life. Always go for it.

    1. Thanks so much and thank you for the feedback! May I ask what direction of elaboration would you like for me to go in? I am gratefully humbled.

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