#Motivational Monday–The one who is in {us} is greater than the one who is in the world.-1 John 4;4

I Sing because I am Happy. I sing because I am Free! (one of her favorite lines- in “His Eye Is On the Sparrow”. It took me some time to sit down to blog because the lack of feeling a certain inspiration was no where in my mind. One thing is, I always want to feel inspired to blog. However, as God would have it, I happened upon the movie, “Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am” on yesterday. After watching it the inspiration and creative juices began to flow because it reminded me of why I decided to share my mother’s story. You can not deny the phenomenal woman Ms. Morrison will always be and to me she is so much more. Being an American novelist that captivated the world and boy was she something else. Her books became lessons to many of us and are beyond imagination of story telling! However, I do not know if it is because I am writing this blog about my mother and her life that I see similarities in every female I am seeing in movies, or reading about? Unfortunately, women and their struggles will always be similar in most ways. I continued on through today and found myself planting that one tomato plant. Years later my mother downsized due to her health and would only plant a few things. One in particular was a tomato plant. A green thumb she did have and I remember one year she had so many plum tomato’s that some neighbors would drive up at the edge of her den (where she positioned outside for easy access) and gather a few. One year we even had them until November!!! You see even when I was living in Atlanta sometimes I would come home at the time when my mom was ready to plant that one or two, sometimes three plants. It was quite a change from when she did full gardens with all of us. We planted corn, potato’s, beans sometimes and course the popular tomato. We now laugh at how we were awaken on Saturday mornings to do yard work and when spring came around the garden. We didn’t realize she wanted to keep us at home. This was her way of teaching us that we can find things to do right at home and to stay out of trouble. Even though we were in little small country town, there still was trouble somewhere. Saturday mornings consisted of getting up sometimes pancakes, or her homemade biscuits and then the yard or garden. We would always get a break to watch Soul Train and then back outside. We didn’t realized she wanted to watch Soul Train due to her past experience of performing on a local radio station. She tells the story that she came in 2nd but she should have won. So getting back to me planting today…….In memory of my mother and her tomato plant I planted my one today along with herbs, new potato’s and rustic potato’s and also giving me my inspiration to post! Below is pictures of my plants I planted today and Page 4 of the history of B & B Day Care Center.

5 thoughts on “#Motivational Monday–The one who is in {us} is greater than the one who is in the world.-1 John 4;4”

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