#SPIRITUAL SUNDAY-The new generation is now our church. You have become your parents.

“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.” -1 Corinthians 3:6-7

I end this Sunday, I am left with the memories of my church anniversary. Today we celebrated 144 years. Due to Corvid 19, we celebrated outside while practicing social distancing. While the spirit was present the presence of the members that had passed on were truly missed. Throughout the week I felt the spirits of those that had passed on and oh how I miss those days. This year really made us realize how we took those times for granted. We are now faced with bottled water in a cooler, sitting outside with mask on, and sanitizer nearby instead of grandma, mom, and aunt t ‘s casseroles, cakes, cabbage, macaroni/cheese, potato salad, pies, and the famous lemonade (normally made by the men of the church).

I recalled when I was a little girl and how that day began the week before with vacation bible school and revival. I remember all the planning that took place;: advertising it, planning the classes, planning the activities and if you were a VBS (vacation bible school) student you were looking forward to the trip rewarded for attending. Now, this trip could vary but normally it consisted of going to Millen State Park. This park was once Ft. Lawton (a prison camp that held Union soldiers during the Civil War). However, history had no concern to a little child who knew the fun that awaited them. Our community consisted of several churches one other church as well as my church were the two you looked forward to attending because of the trip. You knew you had to attend VBS at least 3 times out of that week in order to be allowed to go on the trip.

Today as I embraced our new norm of worshipping with our dwindled down membership, and even though we ended it with a parade through the city I became very emotional. I did not cry but just became emotional as we paraded through the city. We passed the houses of those who have passed on and even of course passing my childhood home in which is now occupied by a different family. The city had changed but it still had rembrandts of growth due to planting and watering and God’s grace and mercy maintaining its existence.

(Continue Below the Story of my “Mothers Journey”

“THE CARRY ALL” as it was called. “Here comes the Carry All”

The “Here Comes the Carry All” Song

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