Being thankful in the good times and the bad times!

“In Every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”-1 Thessalonians 5:18

heart, love, passion

Our world is going through a transition right now. So many things have changed in the way we live day-to-day. The new norm consists of wearing a mask, no family gatherings larger than 10, and even waiting to hear if a school will be shut down. I pray every day the miraculous would happen and this virus would just disappear. We never know what God is preparing us for by causing something like this to happen. It reminds me of times growing up and our family was faced with many obstacles. No matter what the situation or struggle was my mother would always remind us there is still something to be thankful for there is a reason for it happening. She instilled in us the belief that GOD was in control and there is a reason even if we may not understand. It did not matter if we were going through money issues, someone getting sick, and yes even death. That is why I constantly pray for my faith to remain intact especially during these times and continue to thank GOD during the good and bad times!

2 thoughts on “Being thankful in the good times and the bad times!”

  1. Thank you, Lisa, for your witness! And your blog reminds me of your mother’s great faith. God Bless you today and always. Cheryl

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