Live On! “But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control; against such things, there is no law.”-Galatians 5:22-23

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These days As we approach Mother’s Day I catch myself trying to check on myself and wonder how my emotions will stand up. The other day I was watching a video on yep, Tik-Toc and there was this young lady flying in to visit her mother who just happens to be in the hospital. Not only that, but it appeared her Mom had on the same hospital gown my Mother did in her last days. In her video, she showered her mother with kisses on her forehead and a quick view of her caressing her hand/fingers that was connected to machines and that was when I lost it. It appeared to me she was feeling the same way I too had felt savoring those last kisses on the forehead. As for me, it was even more meaningful because that was how I would greet my Mother before, during, and even after her last days. I would always leave my red lipstick causing her to fuss. The many times I left those lip prints it was always a deep reminder at that moment of how the roles had reversed for us; to me kissing her on her forehead leaving my lip stick-lip print on her, from the days as she left for work in the mornings leaving her lipstick mark on me but little did I know the imprint she left on ME would be for my entire life.

My mother’s famous saying to us when we questioned her rationale about adult things like having a curfew to the aches and pains of life she endured, was “LIVE ON”. Here I am now “LIVING” those very words.

This past week has been the epitome of those words because of several situations ranging from those pains in my very own body, physical, emotional, and mental. Although I do not have children, I find myself acting as a mother or someone who would advocate for the well-being of a child. I was also faced with an adult situation where I had to remember not to act on emotions because I didn’t agree with the situation and unfortunately, I had to mentally process my emotions because of some news of a long-lost friend of the family passing.

I thank GOD every day that I grew up with parents that introduced me to GOD. Now in my adult life as I am LIVING I understand my mother’s words. Although the ”Fruit of the Spirit attributes is a daily practice, it does help me to navigate LIFE a little easier.

It is said that “The “Fruit of the Spirit” are attributes that surface and mature in the life of people who have truly surrendered their lives to GOD and have been filled with His Spirit. Starting with the first “Fruit of the Spirit”:

Many times I have read these and didn’t get the understanding of what they REALLY meant in life, but thank GOD I do now!

  1. Love-Love is a fruit of the Spirit that person shows true genuine love for people, GOD, and showing love towards others just as GOD would.
  2. . Joy- Having inner peace even things around you are not peaceful and you are able to maintain a calm demeanor and peace of mind in the middle of a chaotic life/situation.
  3. Kindness being merciful, compassionate, and considerate of others (friends as well as enemies).
  4. Goodness-living out your life with good morals, works, and good intentions for everyone.
  5. Faithfulness-being constant and reliable therefore producing trustworthiness,
  6. Gentleness -affects the speech and manners of a Christian from the servant to the one in authority over others. “…. to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone.” Titus 3:2
  7. Self Control the Fruit of The Spirit that stops a Christian from reacting and making decisions according to the desires of the flesh, and not the Spirit of GOD. A person is continually submitting to GOD’s will by not allowing the flesh to be in charge.

As I wake up in the morning and as I lay down at night I keep the “Fruits of the Spirit” in my head to keep me in the likes of GOD by remembering to be kind to everyone regardless of how they treat me; staying calm and peaceful regardless of the situation, and or loving a person unconditionally. I have found myself able to forgive people and look for the good in them. I find myself giving to people physically as GOD instructed us to do.

Although I am still not where I want to be as a Christian, I am grateful that I understand the blueprint to “LIVE ON”.

nature plant white flower

1 thought on “Live On! “But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control; against such things, there is no law.”-Galatians 5:22-23”

  1. Cheryl Wormley

    Thank you, Lisa! So beautiful and so true. I pictured your mom and you, both when you were a little girl and you as an adult. Your mom always the same — smiling, confident, kind, leaning on the Lord. And, thanks for the “Gifts of the Spirit” this morning. I’m wondering if the family friend you referred to as passing was Nancy Thornton. I’ve been texting with her cousin Lois Ellen for the last couple of weeks. The Thorntons all died before their time. Miss them all. God Bless, Cheryl

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