
Psalm 24:1-2 King James Version-“The earth is the Lord ‘s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 2 For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.”

We are all experiencing a new normal every day and of course, Sundays are no exception. I was speaking with my sorority sister the other day and we got on the subject of how we are attending church on a regular even though we are dialing in or watching our pastors go live on Facebook. This pandemic, Corvid-19 has truly changed the way we were accustomed to attending church but we kinda agreed that it has been quite refreshing. In the last year, I sorta checked myself and realized my involvement in church and I really needed to do better and renew my faith in GOD I was able to do so. The interesting thing is when I considered the time when I was taking it up a level was when the virus hit our area. We adjusted to the changes and the cancellations and found so many wonderful ways to continue to worship GOD. She talked about how she now leads songs in church (of course dialed in) and how she does not feel shy and the feeling of not standing in front of the church to do so made her feel relaxed when singing.

We both agreed how we miss the fellowship and just being around our church family but we also agreed that this truly is the work of GOD. Perhaps he wanted to slow us down. I have had this discussion so many times with my sister who is a Reverend. We are convinced that GOD did this for a reason. We as a world were so busy trying to be busy. The only thing that appeared to be a concern to US was just hurrying up and getting it done. I can say my life has truly been disrupted from the norm of the day to day routine but I can also say my SPIRIT and SOUL has been renewed even more because of this new normal.

I find myself being mindful of how I treat others even more than I was before. Just the other day I pulled up to a gas pump. I felt I pulled in just as a car was about to pull into the same spot. I got out to pump the gas and noticed and felt a tension. God spoke to me and said do not let this young lady leave with whatever she may be feeling towards you. She was pulling off and I waved her down to explain to her that if it appeared to her that I took her spot I am sorry. I explained to her I was in a hurry because my sister had just had surgery and I was headed to see her. However, I further explained to her I did not want her to leave with that feeling /spirit. She said that was not the case. I further explained to her that we are sisters and children of GOD. She agreed and we seem to connect in that moment. After saying what she had to say she ended with “I hope your sister is alright” I wanted to make sure I “PAID IT FORWARD” with her spirit. I wondered and hoped that the next person she interacted with experienced the love and peace I shared with her. We should look at this pandemic as a rebirth and a time to rediscover the spirit of LOVE and PEACE.

I continue to pray each day for protection for each and everyone of us. I especially pray for those who have lost their jobs and OUR essential workers. I pray for miracles and peace for OUR world!



2 thoughts on “#NormalCovidSundays”

    1. Thank you so much! You just made my day. I really write from the heart and try to let the reader see and feel through my words. Again, thank you for your words of encouragement.

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